The Minister's Daughter by Jason Cannon
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The end justifies the means. How many times have we heard that expression? And how many people act as if that were their sole moral code?

When people live by this code, their own considerations become so overwhelming that they will often not only compromise others, but also themselves in order to achieve their goal. Such is the case with Midge Sommers, a beautiful teenager, fed up with the restrictions put upon her by her minister father, who sets out on her own to satisfy the overpowering cravings of her flesh. But Midge soon finds herself thrown into one degrading situation after another, forced to participate in mindless debauchery in her headlong drive to find her combination perfect man and “the good life”. In the end, she begins to wonder if her goal is worth the physical and moral debasement she believes she must go through to obtain it.

THE MINISTER’S DAUGHTER — the story of a young girl who learns the hard way that the road to happiness is a thorn-covered path at best. Her story holds a lesson for us all.

It was the summer of her eighteenth year when Midge decided she was not happy with herself, her family, or her life. All around her she saw the evidence of success, wealth and the good life. She wasn’t exactly sure of what it was she did want, but she knew it wasn’t what she had or what posed in the future for her.

The good Reverend Sommers, her father, an itinerant minister without a church, called her schoolmates “sons and daughters of the devil”, and the multitude of material things they owned “playthings of Satan”.

He had turned his wife, Midge’s mother, into a babbling workhorse who provided most of the family’s meager income while resigning herself to the fact that some day she would die and all would be better on the other side.

Fictional reading for entertainment purposes only.

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