Sally's R#pe Cure by J. T. Watson
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In SALLY’S R#PE CURE, Sally Ryant is a teenager beginning her own journey into adolescence. She finds herself plagued by powerful emotions, sometimes feeling uncertain about her awakening sexuality, sometimes becoming angered over her youthful misjudgments. It is only through a reckless pursuit of her most base desires that she can manage to put her world into perspective and begin coping with new feelings and responding to new situations.

SALLY’S R#PE CURE — the story of a typical young American girl coming of age. A reminder that the journey to adulthood is not an easy one.

“Let’s go down by the river and park, huh, Sally,” Bill Stokes suggested. Sally Ryant sighed. It made no difference to her where they parked as long as he got his foolishness over with in time for her to make the dance early. Long ago she had decided that parking was simply an ego trip for the boys. They could go back and tell their friends that they parked with this girl or that girl, and then they would lie about how far they had gotten.

Sally had no intention of letting anybody get very far with her. A few kisses that she felt it was her duty to give, and then on to the dance. It wasn’t fear that made Sally contemptuous about sex. Sally didn’t give a damn about what people thought about her or her morals.

The truth was that Sally just wasn’t interested in sex. She found the groping and panting distasteful and she only put up with it because she wanted to date Bill.

Bill was one of the more handsome boys in school and it made Sally feel good to be seen with him.

Fictional reading for entertainment purposes only.

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