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The women in HORNY SECRETARIES are women of the present. Living lives of existential hedonists, they refuse to worry about tomorrow. Their main concern is for today, and the pleasures it brings. For them, sex is merely something to be enjoyed, carrying neither emotional ties nor moral overtones.
HORNY SECRETARIES — the story of young women who embody the lifestyle of many in our society, a presentiment of what the future holds. Their story holds a lesson for us all.
The redheaded receptionist at Acme Insurance had three things going for her.
She was luscious to look at, with ripe, creamy tits, a thick, sultry mouth and long legs.
Although her face was only vaguely pretty, except for her eyes and lips, she had the most gorgeous ass in town.
It was impossible for the redhead to move around the office without getting stares from men and women alike. The women reeked with envy, and the men gazed at her gorgeous cheeks with fierce, quivering hard-ons.
The third thing in Sally Wilson’s favor was that she was a very efficient secretary. She took her job seriously, and she could pound either a typewriter or a mattress with every hot inch of her sexy curves.
Fictional reading for entertainment purposes only.