The Wife's Horny Urge by Marvin Cox
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There usually comes a time in people’s lives when they feel like breaking away from the humdrum existence of the workaday world.

They feel as if they’re just going through the motions and they long for an idyllic paradise where the only codes of behavior they have to live by are their own.

But people that have such fantasies usually face reality and, instead, opt to live out their wildest dreams within the structured framework of the real world. They do this by letting go of inhibitions and allowing their bodies, instead of their minds, to set the course of their actions.

Some may call this kind of behavior foolhardy and irresponsible, but if these disbelievers really thought about it, they might find this lifestyle quite acceptable.

The uptight feeling which so often haunts man in this age of high technology would probably diminish if restraint was set aside and true emotions were allowed to take over.

The main character in THE WIFE’S HORNY URGE, takes this as her basic philosophy and the results are quite surprising.

Susan Cortney’s pussy was on fire.

She looked at the man again and swallowed hard. His naked body, bronzed from the sun, made a sharp contrast to the lush growth of weeds and bushes. He looked almost god-like, muscular and good-looking. The last rays of the August sunset seemed to make him glow. The thunder shower of a few minutes before had left both him and the leaves glistening. His dark-brown hair was plastered to his head.

“Well?” he asked, giving her a wide grin as he brushed a damp strand of hair away from his brown eyes. “You gonna do it, or not?”

Only then did Susan face the reality of the situation, what had brought them to these bushes while her husband and his wife waited in the car down below.

Fictional reading for entertainment purposes only.

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