Come And Get It, Dad! by Ray Todd
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The characters in COME AND GET IT, DAD are some of these outwardly proper and quite normal people. But within them a depth of passion they never dreamed existed lies coiled like a snake, waiting only for the proper stimulus to arouse it.

COME AND GET IT, DAD — a fictional story about a society that refuses to face many of its real problems.

It was a warm summer evening, and because her father spent most of his time at a neighborhood tavern, Nancy was home alone, as usual. Sitting on the step of their broken down porch, she saw Hank Murray slowly sauntering down the sidewalk. Her heart did a flip when she recognized the big, handsome boy who lived next door. He was exceptionally popular and paid no attention to Nancy, but she’d had a secret crush on him since she first laid eyes on him. She realized he had no interest in her, yet she always kept hoping.

“Hi, Hank,” she called out to him when he was passing in front of her porch.

“Hi, ummm,” he half-heartedly returned her greeting.

“Nancy…” she said her name while licking her lips, hoping that would get him to remember for once.

He was about to continue on without stopping when he suddenly noticed that she had parted her legs slightly and he had a full view of her white panties. The boy had never paid much attention to his young neighbor before, but the sight of that lacy material around her crotch strangely intrigued him. He’d always thought the younger girl was kind of cute, but until now he’d never given a thought to whether she even had a pussy or not.

Fictional reading for entertainment purposes only.

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