Horny Sister by Nick Eastwood
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Miss Kate Hopkins, an attractive twenty-eight-year-old schoolteacher, had never been known to lose her cool in the classroom. Her students and fellow teachers knew her as perfectly poised, business-like, and calm. But now Kate was blushing hotly, her hands trembling, her heart pounding.

She paced the floor and thought back to her teenage years. A tall brunette with a stunning big-titted figure, Kate didn’t look much older than she had then, but she was a completely different person. Once she was warm and trusting. Now she was cool and distant, especially around men.

Her thoughts wandered back to one of her teenage birthdays. Mom and Dad had promised her she could take some friends to the movies and then out to dinner. Young Kate was very excited as she dressed in a brand-new body-hugging red pant-suit. Her long thick, brown hair hung below her shoulders.

Of course Kate didn’t understand what lust was. She’d had sex education in school, and she knew all the mechanics of sex, but she’d never felt lusty before. She’d heard other kids say they were “horny,” but she didn’t know what that meant. She didn’t realize she was horny now, only that she felt very strangely excited.

Fictional reading for entertainment purposes only.

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