The Blackmailed Boss by Author Unknown
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London was windy and cold as Gillian Blake walked onto Graysend Road in the direction indicated to her by an impatient Londoner of the women’s residence where she was to live until she could find another place of her own.

Stone, smoke and rain help give the city as it is called by the people from the country it’s special character, and on this winter day, it was quite gloomy, the young woman thought as she looked up at the gray limestone building which must have been white originally but had acquired Its ‘antique’ finish through the layers of soot deposited on its facade year after year by the numerous factory chimneys that envelop London in its `pea soup,’ ghost-like atmosphere.

Anyway, the residence club, as it was called, would have been pleasant enough in the spring, but in February, it just looked cold and austere, unfriendly and forbidding. Gillian began wondering if she had done the right thing in coming to the capital, but where else could she go? She had to find work, time to settle down and forget the painful experience that her marriage and subsequent divorce had been, and London had seemed just the place.

Fictional reading for entertainment purposes only.

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