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The onset of puberty inevitably brings with it the dawning awareness of sexuality, of a child’s inherent masculinity or femininity, and the struggle to put that sexuality into proper perspective with internalized standards and parentally prescribed teachings.
For some, the transition occurs with relative ease. For others, the change is marked by tension and anxiety, and a growing awareness that their world is not shaping up as expected.
For Emily Ferguson, puberty is an especially confusing time. Increasingly aware of sex, she is disturbed to find that the focus of her sexual fantasies is her brother. And when she discovers that others not only have these feelings, but also act upon them, she is even more confused.
GANGING UP ON BROTHER is the story of an average teen-age girl’s struggle to make that difficult transition into adulthood, a quiet struggle inexorably leading her onward to maturity. It is a reminder of the pitfalls standing in the way of those growing up.
“Emily! You can’t believe what I’ve got!” said Bonny Dexter.
Emily put her books in her locker and glanced into the small mirror she’d hung on the inside of the door. Her freckles were still there. She’d put lemon juice on them that morning but they were still there. She made a face at her reflection as she jerked a comb through her hair. Bonnie looked over her shoulder.
“You don’t seem very interested.”
“Okay Bonny, what you got?”
Her friend held a small bottle up. “Look! Kama Sutra oil!”
“What’s Kama Sutra oil?”
“You don’t know what Kama Sutra oil is?” Bonny shook her head. “Well, I’ll tell you. People use it to fuck with.” Bonny had whispered this and Emily felt a familiar thrill shoot through her body. She stopped combing her hair and looked at the small vial.
“Where’d you get it?” Emily asked. Her red-haired friend bit her lip and grinned.
“My sister had it stashed in the bottom of her underwear drawer.”
Fictional reading for entertainment purposes only.
Note: This story is the same as catalog number PP-7593 in the original publications (a duplicate).