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For April, a young student, her secret desires are masked by her scholarly interests and are only brought to fore by her two teen-aged nephews. She is one of the few who are willing to accept the consequences such exposure promises, be it reward or punishment. Her story is a startling insight into the life of one who dares to be completely liberated.
THE HOTS FOR AUNT APRIL—a shocking account of the quiet desperation in so many of us—and the extremes to which it may drive us.
It was really too early to get up, but April was excited. After a grueling year at school working on her master’s degree, she’d flown out to spend the summer with her sister. She had a lot of reading to do before starting to school again in the fall. She’d be working on her thesis then and research was a large part of it. But this was to be a time of relaxation too.
She swung her legs out of bed and watched the desert sunlight coming in her window. The flight across the Southwest, the sudden change of her environment had been a pleasant shock. And seeing her older sister, her husband three kids had been nice too.
April felt a tingle that drifted slowly up her body. She always felt it when thinking of her sister’s husband putting baby after baby into poor Julia’s belly. Sometimes April tried to imagine how it was between them. Hugh, so big and brawny. Julia so seemingly innocent. Even at thirty-four she was wispy, willowy and blonde. Her blue eyes were forever dazzling people but not because she consciously tried to be sexy. She didn’t seem to bother with affectation or sultry acts. In a way April envied her. At least Julia knew the joys of sex with a loving husband.
Fictional reading for entertainment purposes only.