Daughter's Dirty Movies by Ray Todd
Price: $2.99

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This is the story of a family engaging in debauchery where family relationships mean nothing and the satisfaction of the senses means everything. What happens to these parents and their children is a startling revelation of how events can alter personalities, how fate plays with us all.

Business as usual is the daily norm. But is it? Not for the individuals in this story—outwardly, yes, in reality, no.

DAUGHTER’S DIRTY MOVIES—a novel with a lesson for those unaware of what is really happening behind many of the closed doors in America.

Julie Pullman was sitting at the breakfast table sipping coffee with her brother, Steve. Wearing a dressing gown, and with her long auburn hair falling loosely around her shoulders, Julie looked much younger than her thirty-four years. Her brother had arrived yesterday afternoon from the Midwest for one of his periodic visits, and the two of them were excitedly chatting as they sipped their coffee.

Julie’s husband, Ben, had gone to his office and Stacey, her lovely daughter, had hurried off to school. With no one else in the house, the brother and sister were having a great time reminiscing about their childhood. Steve was two years older than Julie, but he had the same auburn hair and green eyes.

Fictional reading for entertainment purposes only.

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