Up, Boy, Up! by Richard Mountbatten
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Even with newfound frankness in matters that were once considered taboo in polite society, there are still those who are unable to come to terms with the demands of the mid-twentieth century inclination toward sexual freedom — the unchallenged right to “do your own thing.” Psychologists and counselors are constantly called in to help people, even in the supposedly liberated age group of the under-30s, who suffer from embarrassment and an inability to adjust to the concept of a full, unfettered sex life — the same problems that hampered their parents and grandparents. Indicative of this lack of sexual sophistication even among those cultures often considered to be in the vanguard of ingenuous self-fulfillment is a recent study conducted in France which proved not only that the French were not the unself-conscious great lovers of legend, but that an astonishing number of the Gallic population were strictly monogamous and amazingly unimaginative in their sexual techniques — showing a majority preference for standard “missionary-style” copulation at home … in bed … with their own mate … in the dark. So much for the stuff of which literary fantasies are built.

The alarm went off with its usual piercing scream. At first there was no reaction from the two blanket-covered forms in the huge bed, but then a slender shapely arm appeared out of the tangled mass of bedding and began to grope blindly across the bedside table, knocking over the alarm clock as numb fingers managed to still the racket. The arm collapsed back onto the bed and for several more minutes silence reigned in the room.

Then two big blue eyes blinked open, half hidden by a thick mass of blonde hair that spilled in a golden cascade over one of the pillows. Jill Andersen focused foggily as she stared at the clock, shook her head and focused again.

“Oh, for God’s sake, Bob,” she said, “something must be wrong with the clock. It went off a half hour early.” Her eyes slowly closed.

“Mmmmm, yeh,” her husband murmured in a sleep-thickened voice. “I set it that way.” He moved over closer to his wife and slid an arm around her, cupping one of her firm young breasts in the palm of his hand. “Gives us time for a little conjugal bliss before I run off to slave at the salt mines.”

Fictional reading for entertainment purposes only.

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