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We are all aware of the sweeping social changes that have recently come over our civilization. Most of us live differently, eat differently, and amuse ourselves differently than our grandparents, or even our parents.
But nowhere have these differences in life-style been more apparent than in our changing attitudes toward sex. Pick up almost any current publication and somewhere in it you will find a discussion (or indictment) of modern sexual mores. Walk down the streets of any city and time after time you will be confronted with posters, billboards, books in store windows — all calling our attention to this or that facet of sex.
While each of us wonders how to fit our own beliefs and values into this changing mosaic of expected behavior, the general belief is that the only place where there are no sexual hesitations is the campus of the modern university. From a superficial glance at the dress, speech and general mannerisms of the average college student, one would think that the sexual revolution has indeed come with a vengeance, liberating or corrupting, depending on the viewpoint of the observer, all the young people privileged to attend college.
But is this really the case? Is sexual behavior among college students as uniform and as permissive as it is rumored to be?
Arm in arm the two girls came skipping gaily down the path, their faces radiant with youthful exuberance. At first glance they seemed to look alike, despite the fact that one was blonde and the other dark, but on closer examination it became evident that it was only their beauty that matched them.
The blonde girl was a little taller, her lushly curved body a little fuller. Big blue eyes helped set off her creamy pink complexion, and all in all she gave off an aura of beaten gold, fresh rose petals and rich cream.
Her companion was smaller and more slender but in some way looked even more lushly developed. Perhaps it was the sinuous and sensual way her body was formed, with high upstanding breasts thrusting out proudly from a graceful torso that bloomed out again into tightly rounded hips above long slender legs. Her hair was made up of rich dark tones hard to define, perhaps a little more black than brown and matched by the smoky color of her eyes.
With her, one would think of night and heat and warm passionate embraces.
“Oh, what a day, what a glorious day,” the dark one said. “You know what a day like this makes me think of? It makes me think of making love out on the grass under the trees. Of having some big strong man pinning me down to the ground while he ravishes my defenseless young body.” And then she laughed gaily.
“Oh, Penny,” her blonde friend said with a rosy blush. “Any kind of weather makes you think about sex. Sometimes I wonder if you think about anything else.”
Fictional reading for entertainment purposes only.