Daughter’s Pony Urge by Bob Wallace
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Christine opened her eyes, blinked for a moment, suddenly remembering where she was. She still wasn’t used to being at her father’s place. She slipped out of her bed.

She quickly took off the girlish pajamas her father had brought for her regular summer visit and dropped them on the floor. She felt like a baby in them and wished she could sleep in the raw like she did at home. Her mother didn’t mind; she slept in the nude, too.

She glanced at her long naked body. Tall for her age, the hint of the woman in her showed itself in the newly flared curve of her hips, the shaping of her long limbs. Gawky poles had turned into curvaceous legs that most woman would have given their eyeteeth to have.

Her fingers combing through her mane of blonde hair, she stared, through innocent eyes, at her blossoming figure. Her hands slipped out of her hair; it was tousled and thick, resting on her smooth slender shoulders, framing her creamy angelic face.

Fictional reading for entertainment purposes only.

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