Mom’s Doggy Urge by Paul Gable
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Marrian Faddis hesitated for a moment, smoothing her dampened palms along her tight-fitting blue shorts. It was a hot evening, one of those humid August nights that made her white cotton blouse cling uncomfortably to her body.

She was standing in her bedroom, feeling her mind spinning around so dizzyingly that she could hardly keep her balance.

Her mouth was open, her lips glistening while her eyes sparkled with an unnatural glow.

“What’s wrong with me?”

She covered her mouth, struggling for some sense of self-control. It had nearly been one year since her husband Jack had died in that horrible automobile crash on the freeway. It had been one long year since a man had held her, caressed her, fucked her the way he had.

Then there were those awful lonely nights when her cunt burned, when those electric sparks licked up her inner thighs teasing her swollen cuntlips. And there was nothing, nothing she could do to prevent that feeling from recurring again and again.

Fictional reading for entertainment purposes only.

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