Cousin’s Beast Feast by Paul Gable
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Kathy Ellis pulled back on the reins, stiffening her legs and standing up in the stirrups as the black stallion snorted impatiently between her legs.

“Easy, Lightning, easy. . .”

Stroking the animal’s silky mane with one hand Kathy shaded her eyes with the other, surveying the gentle, rolling countryside of the central California high chaparral. A gentle wind from the east lifted the long blonde hair from Kathy’s young shoulders as she pressed her knees against the panting sides of the two year-old stallion. It was so beautiful up here, so free! How she enjoyed visiting her cousin up here. It was so much better than living in crowded old Los Angeles.

“Easy. . .”

Of course there were few . . . fucking temptations here. There, she’d said to herself in spite of her mother’s warning never, never to even think of that word, let alone use it. “Young ladies never think in terms of four letter words. You’re a young lady, Kathy, and don’t ever let me hear you use filth in my presence,” her mother had cautioned her.

But what else could describe the tight, tingly feelings racing through her pussy? She had heard lots of the girls at school use that word when they were talking about their boyfriends. How she wanted to join in on the fun, giggle with them, talk about her own feelings, about the way she touched herself in bed at night.

Fictional reading for entertainment purposes only.

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