Behind The Bar by Polly Gaston
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“Hey Brandy! There’s no action in here. Let’s go back to the office and knock off a piece!”

Brandy pushed her long blonde hair back from her forehead and stared at her bartender, Dave Billings. She was getting fed up with his lewd comments every time she came down to the bar. He was right about one thing, though. There certainly wasn’t any action in the BRANDYWINE this afternoon. The bar was completely deserted. She hadn’t done a thing to help the business since Buddy left. He was in Atlanta, taking a two week course in running a small business, and she was beginning to think that the bar would go broke before he got back and put what he’d learned into practice.

“You wouldn’t know what to do if I took you up on it,” Brandy retorted, staring straight into Dave’s blue eyes. She had half a notion to say yes just to see what her loudmouth bartender would do. The truth of the matter was that Brandy was beginning to go a little crazy without any fucking. Fucking with Buddy wasn’t all that hot but it was better than nothing. And just this morning she’d awakened with the sheet twisted between her thighs and her hand on her fluffy blonde pussymound. She was dying to be fucked and couldn’t hold out much longer. Buddy had been gone a week and she was going crazy, longing for his huge, hot cock.

Fictional reading for entertainment purposes only.

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