Innocent In Chicago Volume 1 by Mary Jenkins
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When a child of eleven, Cynthia Gordon was perfectly content to live on the farm in Iowa where she had been born and raised. Her father, a burly, blond, third generation American of Scandinavian descent, grew mostly corn and pigs, but Johnny, her fifteen year old brother, who wanted to stay on the land, was interested in raising cattle. He already had a young milk cow which he had raised from a calf and was thinking of breeding her with a neighbor’s bull.

One morning early that autumn, as the pumpkins were glowing yellow and plump on the vines, and her mother’s kitchen was permeated with the heady smell of spices and pickling, and the fresh tart odor of baked apple pies was floating through the window to where she was sitting on the back porch with Pal, their thick coated German Shepherd dog, she heard her father and Johnny talking in the kitchen about his cow.

“Jersey seems to be in heat now, Johnny,” her father said. “If you still want to breed her, now’s the time to do it. I’ve talked with Chris about it and he says to bring her over anytime. He’s got a fine bull and it should be a dandy calf.”

“Gee, Dad, that’s swell. When can we do it?”

“Tomorrow’s okay with Chris. But remember, the entire responsibility of bringing this calf up is yours. No saying you’re tired of taking care of it and Jersey after it’s here.”

Fictional reading for entertainment purposes only.

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