The Blackmailed Mother Book 2 by Peter Jensen
Price: $2.99

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Saturday morning arrived all too soon.

Jennifer Carmel, the day before an innocent virgin teen-ager, stared at the blinds on the windows. Her skin was pale, as if the ice-water she felt in her veins was actually flowing in place of her blood. She was as confused as any little girl could have been and she tried to sort her ambivalent feelings as she lay under the covers of her bed.

She curled her legs up, letting the blankets fall away so that she could hug her knees protectively, and would have probably run to her parent if she had any to go to. Father was out of town. Father was not there to be the father she had needed before last night, and she knew that his upright morals wouldn’t have allowed him to be the father on which she could rely on for judgment and understanding. Mother — hell, she hadn’t gotten home until after Jennifer had, and the noise she’d made, whooping and hollering and … well, it had sounded like crying, but the young girl was too fogged with sleep and the effects of the marijuana, liquor, and the sex she’d seen and done to be completely cognizant. Mother was still asleep, and she wouldn’t have under stood anyway. No, Jennifer felt that she was alone, with no one to turn to for guidance.

Fictional reading for entertainment purposes only.

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