A Loving Family by Phyllis Baxter
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Jean Stevenson sat sipping champagne in the lounge aboard the luxurious private Lear jet that was speeding her over the ocean towards home. Home after three long years in South America three years of separation from her son… three years away from all that was safe and familiar… three years that had changed the course of her life.

Jean’s thoughts were interrupted by the approach of her new husband who had moved from behind to kiss her openly on the mouth. She was surprised, slightly embarrassed, but pleased by Tom’s open display of affection. It was a part of his nature that she still wasn’t quite used to, this unashamed, uninhibited approach to the more intimate aspects of marriage. Still, it was only consistent with the radical difference between Tom and Dan, his brother and her first husband, who had been so cruelly taken from her only five months ago.

Jean had been completely devastated by her husband’s sudden tragic death. In retrospect, it seemed almost predetermined that Tom should be there by her side when she received the horrible news. Dan had been piloting the company plane through the narrow pass at La Paz, Bolivia when a sudden control failure caused the fatal crash into the side of the mountain. Tom had taken care of everything, saving her from total disaster, and Jean was glad to be able to leave it all in his capable hands.

Fictional reading for entertainment purposes only.

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