- Greenleaf Classics eBooks
- AB-Adult Books
- AC-Adonis Classics
- BB-Bondage Books
- BC-Bondage Classic
- BH-Bondage House
- CB-Companion Book
- DN-Diary Novel
- EL-Erotic Library
- GC-Greenleaf Classic
- GE-Greenleaf Elite
- GR-Greenleaf Reader
- GS-Greenleaf Sophisticate
- HP-Heatherpool Library
- PB-Pet Book
- PP-Patch Pokets
- PR-Private Reader
- SE-Silver Edition
- TB-Triumph Books
- Liverpool Library Press eBooks
- Beeline eBooks
- eBooks From Other Sources
- Bargain Bin eBooks
- News
Changes to our catalog and additions of new XXX Erotic Porn Fiction Stories are listed below as their original publication catalog numbers. Many of the same author names appear in multiple collections.
Two important notes:
- The original paperback books in the “IPB – An Illustrated Series” contained several illustrated drawings in the text chapters. None of the eBooks we offer in that series include any of those illustrations.
- The original paperback book publications occasionally re-published the same story in multiple series. Therefore, it is possible that the same eBook story and title could appear in a different eBook series, and with a different cover image.
Chronology of catalog additions/changes, with most recent at the top of the list.
Each catalog number is a link to the eBook detail page:
- Added PP-7577, PR-3151
- Added BC-1021, GE-1024, GE-2008, PR-3061, PR-3075, PR-3076, PR-3092, PR-3110, SE-1012, SE-1013
- Added EL-2031, GE-1040, PP-8029, PP-8033, PR-3006, PR-3012, PR-3054, PR-3333, PR-3337, PR-3342
- Adding text extracts to eBooks in the PR-Private Reader Series category
- Added SE-2018, SE-2020, SE-2022, SE-2023, SE-2025, SE-2026, SE-2028
- Added GR-1077, GR-2045, GR-2057, GR-2070, GR-2072, SE-1050, SE-1051, SE-1052, SE-2011, SE-2014
- Added GR-2014, GR-2068, GR-2070, HP-6149, SE-1029, SE-1030, SE-1039, SE-1043, SE-1046, SE-1048, SE-1049
- Added text extracts to eBooks in the SE-Silver Edition Series category
- Added CB-4140, GR-2034, GR-2044, GR-2052, HP-6096, HP-6105, HP-6113, HP-6114, SE-1006, TB-2013
- Added text extracts to eBooks in the TB-Triumph Books category
- Added text extracts to eBooks in the BSS-Best Sellers Series category
- Added text extracts to eBooks in the CL-Classic Liverpool Series category
- Added text extracts to eBooks in the IPB-An Illustrated Series category
- Added text extracts to eBooks in the KCS-Kennel Club Series category
- Added text extracts to eBooks in the LB-Centaur Series category
- Added text extracts to eBooks in the LB-House of Lords Series category
- Added text extracts to eBooks in the LL-Lusty Ladies Series category
- Added text extracts to eBooks in the LLP-Adult Classic Series category
- Added text extracts to eBooks in the RWS-Rear Window Series category
- Added text extracts to all eBooks in the Other Sources category
- Added text extracts to all eBooks in the Bargain Bin category
- Added CR-2001, CR-2003, CR-2004, CR-2005 in a new Liverpool Library Press CR-Canine Reader Series
- Added GR-2107, GR-2116, GR-2147
- Added AH-1005, AH-1075, BEE-0315 (No Cover), HP-6123, LL-140, LL-640, LL-642
- Added several covers in the Beeline eBooks Series & the Other Sources category, improved cross-category listings
- Added BH-8203, CB-4332, GR-2288, GR-2293, GR-2298, GR-2304, GR-2306
- Added PP-7041, PP-7062, PP-7110, PP-7113, PP-7115, PP-7120
- Added PR-3029, PR-3030, PR-3045, PR-3097
- Added AB-5379, PP-7138, PP-7164
- Added OB-1267
- Added GR-2247
- Updated our secure payment processor and related information
- Updated our Privacy Policy page and our Terms of Use page
- Added PR-3149
- Updated our website design
- Added ZA-101
- Added PR-3109, PR-3114, PR-3118, PR-3122
- Added PP-7030, PP-7090, PP-7091, PP-7094, PP-7098, PP-7100, PP-7106, PP-7109
- Added DN-277, DN-320, DN-321, DN-324, DN-340, DN-443, DN-463, DN-467, DN-472
- Added PR-3068, PR-3071, PR-3079, PR-3083, PR-3095, PR-3104
- Added LB-1215, LB-1227, LB-1231, LB-1235, LB-1240, LB-1259, LB-1275, LB-1287, LB-1326
- Added PET-132, PET-134, PET-135, PET-136, PET-137, PET-138
- Added HP-6219, HP-6222, HP-6224, HP-6226, HP-6229
- Added HP-6201, HP-6203
- Added BH-8105, BH-8113, BH-8115, BH-8120, BH-8122, BH-8129, BH-8131
- Added PR-3015, PR-3021, PR-3027, PR-3034, PR-3066
- Added CB-4142, CB-4143, CB-4153, CB-4155, CB-4170, CB-4171, CB-4173
- Added BH-8002, BH-8023, BH-8030, BH-8038, BH-8039, BH-8052, BH-8053
- Added BB-125, BB-127, BB-130, BB-131, BB-148, BB-208
- Added AB-5306, AB-5319, AB-5323, AB-5330, AB-5371, AB-5377, AB-5408, AB-5489
- Added AB-5226, AB-5299, AB-5387, BB-124
- Added AB-5326, AB-5407, AB-5444
- Added BB-102, BB-121
- Added AB-5214, AB-5216, AB-5219, AB-5234, AB-5239, AB-5253, AB-5274, AB-5276
- Added AB-1591, AB-1597
- Added AB-1558, AB-1559, AB-1560, AB-1566, AB-1583, AB-1584, AB-1586, AB-1587
- Added HP-6474, HP-6477, HP-6484, HP-6485, LB-1114
- Added PP-7071, PP-7072, PP-7078, PP-7079, PP-7087
- Added PP-7008, PP-7019, PP-7025, PP-7065, PP-7066
- Added cover images to AB-4002, AB-5181, CB-4013, CB-4068, CB-4087, CB-4099, GR-2001, GR-2004, GR-2010, GR-2025
- Added HP-6145, HP-6170, HP-6177, HP-6180, HP-6184, HP-6194, HP-6197
- Added HP-6030, HP-6071, HP-6078, HP-6086, HP-6111, HP-6127, HP-6137, PP-8025
- Added PP-7542
- Added PP-7455
- Added DN-221, PR-3202, PR-3231
- Added LLP-301
- Added cover images to HP-6018, HP-6548
- Added cover images to AB-4014, AB-5041, AB-5134, AB-5144, DN-258, DN-271
- Addition of the Bargain Bin of eBooks which don’t have cover images
- Greenleaf Classics eBooks
- AB-Adult Books
- AC-Adonis Classics
- BB-Bondage Books
- BC-Bondage Classic
- BH-Bondage House
- CB-Companion Book
- DN-Diary Novel
- EL-Erotic Library
- GC-Greenleaf Classic
- GE-Greenleaf Elite
- GR-Greenleaf Reader
- GS-Greenleaf Sophisticate
- HP-Heatherpool Library
- PB-Pet Book
- PP-Patch Pokets
- PR-Private Reader
- SE-Silver Edition
- TB-Triumph Books
- Liverpool Library Press eBooks
- Beeline eBooks
- eBooks From Other Sources
- Bargain Bin eBooks
- News