Young Girls Who Seduce Animals by Philip O. Lamont Ph.D
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The so-called “sexual revolution” has been a matter of public attention for decades now, and one would think that hardly a manifestation of human sexuality would have been left untouched by sociologists and psychologists. But strangely, although the sexual life of the teen-age girl has been studied from many angles, one of young womanhood’s most persistent desires has been largely ignored: the desire to have sex with dogs.

“Sex with dogs? Are there really teen-age girls who want that!”, even the well-informed layman is likely to ask. And the astonishment with which he would ask the question is a good indication of just how much ignorance surrounds the subject.

It is all the more surprising that bestiality has remained so unremarked when one considers just how strong a female desire it represents. I would be astonished if there were a practicing psychiatrist or psychologist in the country who had never had a woman patient who admitted to bestial fantasies. And many of my colleagues have, like myself, heard thoroughly convincing accounts of actual consummated sexual relations between their patients and the latters’ pets. For despite the fact that the conventional person for whom the established moral order is important often deludes himself into thinking that sexual practices which really offend him hardly ever take place, this does not alter the fact that woman-animal sex does indeed occur, and far, far more often than most people would suspect.

A collection of Clinical Case Studies

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