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The seething passions that lurk within many individuals are often hidden beneath a veneer of normalcy, exposed only under extremely tempting conditions.
The man who, during a strip show at a stag party, climbs up on the stage and performs with the girl in front of his friends. The woman who, after a few too many drinks at a party, takes on all comers, male and female alike. The couple who, while appearing to be staid members of the establishment, secretly joins the neighborhood mate-swappers.
Janet Logan is one of these outwardly normal and quite proper people. But within her lies a love of depravity that even she at first refuses to recognize, a love of depravity that eventually forces her to act.
ALL THE HOT NEIGHBORS—the story of a young woman haunted by the perversity seething within her. A story about one of the many problems facing our modern society.
“I appreciate your staying with Bobby this evening,” Elaine French said. “It’s almost impossible to find someone on a Saturday night. I was surprised that a girl as popular as you would have been at home.”
“I just didn’t feel like going out this evening,” Janet Logan said.
It wasn’t the complete truth. Janet was eighteen years old and a recent beauty-contest winner. She was tall and well built and she had jet-black hair that she wore to her waist. She was one of the most popular girls around and there would have been plenty of exciting things to do rather than staying with young Bobby.
She hadn’t done it because she liked Bobby or Mrs. French. The truth was that she had wanted to see Bob French again. There was something about the tall, good-looking man that really turned her on. The first time she had seen him had sent shivers up her spine. This was the second time, and nothing had changed. He took her breath away.
Fictional reading for entertainment purposes only.