Eat Out With The Waitress by R. T. Masters
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The advent of a more liberal society has revolutionized the life of the modern American woman, opening up new vistas both professionally and personally. As with most social revolutions, however, the changes are apt to be slow and sporadic, leaving untouched many of those it hopes to reach.

One occupation, that of the waitress, reflects the uneven progress of social change—women entering this field have long been considered slow-witted and dull with little consideration given to their true personalities or capabilities.

Living in this shadow and its traditions, the woman in this story casts a new light onto a profession long stereotyped. Both ambitious and adventurous, she finds herself suddenly confronted by a sexual liberalism which challenges her.

EAT OUT WITH THE WAITRESS—a chronicle of our times. The story of a woman trapped in a tide of social change.

“Turn around again, slowly this time,” Jim said, settling back on the couch as the luscious blonde pivoted for him.

The short, tight waitress’ uniform accented her long, shapely legs and tiny waist. And the low neckline revealed her large, creamy tits. Her cleavage was long and deep, and her tit flesh sleek and firm.

Jim smirked at her, cocking his head and asked: “Just how badly do you want this job?”

There was no mistaking his meaning. Bonnie swallowed hard, bracing herself.

Her situation was desperate. She had divorced Tod six months before and he had dropped out of sight, not paying her a cent of alimony. She had used up all of her savings, and had searched fruitlessly for a job during the past few months. This waitressing position was her last hope.

Fictional reading for entertainment purposes only.

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