Seducing The Hot Mother by Nick Eastwood
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It has been said that nearly every community contains a cross section of Americans within its confines, thereby maintaining an image unique in this country today. Every town has its doctors and lawyers, it coaches and teachers, and its clerks and carpenters, and each individual has in turn been touched to some extent by emotions common to all men — greed, lust, envy, and distress.

SEDUCING THE HOT MOTHER is a story of everyday, responsible people whose lives are wrought with common frailties; people who seek pleasure, profit, expediency; people not unlike those who may live in your town or your neighborhood. Respectable citizens — yes, but not without the foibles and weaknesses seen every day in nearly every city.

SEDUCING THE HOT MOTHER provides a unique insight into those emotions with which we all must live, a look at America at the grassroots level.

Dee Anderson switched off the TV and sighed. It was one of those nights. Nothing on television interested her, she’d read every magazine in the house, and it was too early to go to bed. Such nights were all too frequent lately.

She couldn’t help thinking how quickly and pleasantly the time would pass if she had a man. She shivered with need as she thought about it. It had been so long since any man had touched her, far too long since a man had relieved her pent-up lust. But she quickly dismissed the whole idea.

There was no room in her life for a man. The pretty blonde divorcee had to work all day to support herself and her teenaged son, Jay. She didn’t have time to pamper a boyfriend and she knew Jay would resent a stepfather. It would have to be just the two of them, at least till Jay graduated from high school.

Fictional reading for entertainment purposes only.

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