Daughter Loves To Suck by Kathy Harris
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The onset of puberty invariably brings with it the dawning awareness of sexuality, of a child’s inherent masculinity or femininity, and the struggle to put that sexuality into proper perspective.

For some, the transition occurs with relative case. For others the change is marked by tension and anxiety, and a growing awareness that their world is changing much faster than they would like.

For the young girl in this book the initiation into the world of sexuality is full of frustration and fear. Eager to explore the bounds of her femininity, she becomes a source of pleasure for the people in her family.

DAUGHTER LOVES TO SUCK — the story of a young girl’s struggle to make her own, very personal transition into adulthood. Her story is reminder of the pitfalls standing in the way of those growing up. It is a lesson for society.

Kelly Fowler awoke in the middle of the night to the lewd sounds of her father fucking her mother. The girl sat up in bed, feeling her heart beginning to pound with excitement. This happened several times a week, at least. The obscene sounds of hot fucking taking place in the master bedroom right next door to Kelly’s own room would bring the girl fully awake. She would lie in bed and listen to her parents fucking. And, as she listened, she would grow more and more excited until she would finally be forced to play with her little pussy until she came.

Kelly gasped as she saw her daddy’s large balls swinging up and smacking against her mother’s asscheeks. The man was snorting and panting as he humped on top of his wife like a wild beast.

Alice, Kelly’s mother, was raking her fingernails across her husband’s tightened asscheeks. From the sounds they were both making, Kelly could tell that they were both getting off on this fuck in a very big way.

Fictional reading for entertainment purposes only.

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