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Psychologists invariably agree that man has certain needs which are an inherent part of his nature. The most commonly mentioned are the physical needs — the needs for food and shelter. The need for sex — the “reproductive drive” as it is often referred to — is also considered basic to man.
We see this last need demonstrated time and time again. Witness the failure of the early Communist drive to abolish the family structure. Or the contemporary depletion of the priesthood and the institutions of monasteries and convents.
Marsha Dealt is a woman whose normal drive for sex has been frustrated because of her husband’s death. Marsha’s realization that she cannot live without sex overshadows all other considerations, so that she begins an affair with a stranger, an affair that leads her into a twilight world of debauchery and orgiastic sex, an affair that eventually even comes to include Marsha’s own teenaged children, Becky and Lois. And all the while Marsha struggles to come to terms with her new way of life, she continues to keep up a front of respectability and normalcy, while behind the scenes she participates in acts many would consider perverted.
FAMILY ORGY is the story of a woman who must come to terms with her own nature and needs. A novel of significance to our ever-changing society.
His hand cupped her tit with greater assurance. “Naw, I don’t want a drink,” he said. “What I want is a good fuck.”
Marsha pushed her ass against his loins. She’d had an idea that offering him a drink was going to be a waste of time, but she had still played the role of hostess. Now, she knew that she had been right about him, he had gotten turned on by the conversation they’d been having in the car. That and by the fact that he had been out in the woods for two weeks, camping, which had made him horny to start with. He had told her, when she’d picked him up hitchhiking a couple of hours earlier, that he had been camping by himself.
He was twenty-eight. Marsha was thirty-nine, but she looked younger. Her body was firm and voluptuous.
As he squeezed her tit, she pressed her ass against his loins. His cock was a rigid bar in his jeans and she could feel it pressing between the crack of her ass.
Fictional reading for entertainment purposes only.
Note: This story is the same as catalog number HP-6067 in the original publications (a duplicate).