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“Fran! Aren’t you about packed yet?” Renee stood back to survey the mountain of luggage. Ye gads, she thought. It’s only a two week Christmas vacation. She hugged herself. It was two weeks of freedom from the high school classes she taught. It was two weeks away from this manless town.
“Fran! Hurry up!”
“Coming.” Renee’s roommate came into the room mumbling around the hairpin in her mouth, pinning her honey blonde hair back with both hands.
“Just think, Fran! Two whole weeks in sunny Mexico.” Renee did a little pirouette and clicked her fingers. Her long, black pony tail swirled through the air behind her.
“Right you are, sweet. And with that sunshine maybe we’ll meet up with a smooth talking Casanova or two. He WAS Mexican, wasn’t he?”
Ruefully, Renee shook her head. “Spanish.”
“Oh, well,” Fran finally got the hairpin in place, “maybe he has some Mexican descendants. I hear he did get around.”
Renee couldn’t take her eyes away. The girl’s panties were around her ankles. She was squeezed in a human sandwich between two men. Behind her, the man was guiding his huge penis into her ass with his hand. His face was hideous, twisted. Renee didn’t want to look. But she couldn’t take her eyes away.
Dimly, in the background, she heard the whir of the movie projector, smelled the sweat and cologne that permeated the room. Inside she was sick. She’d never dreamed it would be anything like this. And still she couldn’t stop looking.
On the flickering movie screen the girl’s mouth was open. She was screaming, or saying something, or crying. Renee couldn’t tell which since there was no sound with the movie. Slowly, the girl’s butt caught the man’s rhythm and jerked with it, cramming the huge prick in inch by inch.
The camera swept over her jolting hips and settled on the prick in front. The dark, swollen head nestled in her black pubic hair. It was still wet, shiny from the girl’s mouth. She had been sucking it only moments earlier as the men stripped her.
Renee quivered. She’d never seen a cock that big. Her ass ached with sympathy for the girl in the movie, but her vagina held an unceasing itch that made her wiggle and squirm for relief.
Fictional reading for entertainment purposes only.