PPi-7029 EBOOK

PPi-7029 EBOOK
PPi-7029 EBOOK
Ten, Do I Hear Twenty? by Len Shaw
Price: $2.99

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Tracy felt the waves of nausea grow stronger as the exhaust fumes from the bus drifted into the interior. She rose and made her way slowly down the aisle, swallowing hard to choke back the bitter fluid. If she could only make it to the restroom!

Her vomiting amounted to little more than dry heaves but the flood of sickness that came over her each time was maddening. When it first began about a month ago she was sure she just had a touch of the virus but later, when she missed her period, her worst fears were confirmed. She was pregnant!

That one word meant the end of the world for her! Maybe in some families this sort of thing could be discussed and worked out but not in hers. Her father would never hear her explanation beyond the word “pregnant.” He would never understand how his daughter, the girl he had raised so strictly, by the good book, the girl who had never seen her own mother or sisters in the nude, the girl who had never witnessed so much as a kiss between her parents.

Fictional reading for entertainment purposes only.

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