Kiss It, Sis by Fred Ward
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Beneath the outward serenity of rural America run the same passions that we find in big cities and sprawling suburbia. Criminal acts are more apparent in the cities, but the same forces that drive urban man to crime are at work in our rural areas. So too are the forces that drive people to the pleasures of the flesh.

The characters in this story are a case in point. Outwardly a respectable Southern family, behind closed doors many of them are sexual libertines — particularly the teenage son and daughter of the wealthy patriarch and landowner who rules the sprawling plantation where this story takes place — stopping at nothing to satisfy their bodies’ cravings. But normal day-to-day life goes on, the family prospers, everyone, it seems, is happy. They feel neither guilt, nor a need to apologize for their actions.

There are everyday people. Responsible. Respectable. Solid citizens of their community. Yet they are people trapped in their flesh, unable, no, unwilling to control their sexual drives as long as no one is hurt by them. They have given themselves over to the pleasurable. But are they so different from the rest of us?

KISS IT, SIS — a novel that gives added insight into the passions we all must deal with.

“I be dawged if I ever thought I’d see a son of mine cryin’ — cryin’ — at his own wedding!”

The big man with the Deep South accent was talking to no one in particular, and nobody in particular paid much attention to his complaint. The guests were too busy refilling their plates from the piled-high dishes on the trestle table in the shade of the huge live oak tree.

“Fill it again, Josh!” The big man held his half-empty glass toward an old black man who walked among the guests, lugging a gallon jug. “Bawlin’ like a baby!”

The shriveled-up old lady seated in a lawn chair looked at the shapely blonde sitting next to her.

“He! He! He! Ty sure is taking on about Bobby Lee, ain’t he?”

“He sure is, Aunt Minerva. Wonder why?” She brushed a long strand of yellow-gold hair back from her face and forked a bite of barbecued pork from her plate. What Sue Robin Forsythe was actually wondering was, what had gone wrong? Her big handsome twin brother had just got himself married to the prettiest girl in town, but instead of grinning all over like a tomcat on the prowl, he had wiped away tears twice during the ceremony. Like her father had said.

Fictional reading for entertainment purposes only.

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