The Town Sluts by J. H. Long
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Beneath the outward serenity of small towns run the same passions that we find in big cities and sprawling suburbia. Criminal acts are more apparent in the cities, but the same forces that drive urban man to crime and other excesses are at work in our small towns. Greed, lust, envy — these are emotions common to all men, and every man has been touched by them to some extent.

Several of the characters in this book find themselves on a collision course with people who are motivated by greed and lust. Blinded by their passions, they are destructive to themselves and those around them — particularly the innocent.

These are everyday people. Solid citizens of their community. Yet they are people trapped in their flesh and unable to control their baser instincts. They have given themselves over to the pleasurable. The profitable. The expedient. Are they so different from the rest of us?

THE TOWN SLUTS — entertaining fiction, yes. But a story with an element of truth about the passions that we all must deal with.

Becky Jane Johnson hated taking dictation. She hated taking dictation because it meant that she had to stand in front of Wendell Rathers for at least half an hour while she jotted down orders to be filled, itineraries to make, greetings and salutations from the Rathers Wrench Company.

She never did understand why she had to take dictation standing up.

Wendell Rathers knew why he wanted his voluptuous secretary to stand up while taking dictation. Just like he knew he had to be sitting down, slumped in his executive chair, while he dictated to his voluptuous secretary.

Because Wendell liked to look at panties while he dictated the affairs of his wrench company. Like now, he could see that Miss Johnson was wearing lemon-yellow panties, very frilly around the edges, and there was just a tad bit of some kind of stain at the crotch. Wendell figured that she had gotten very hot and horny one night and couldn’t get the stain out using Clorox; or she was very hot and horny now as she stood at the front of his desk taking dictation.

It was very amazing the way Wendell Rathers, president of the Rathers Wrench Company, could see his voluptuous secretary’s panties. It was amazing in many respects. For one, it had taken a lot of money to pay for a custom-built desk that had all kinds of neat devices. For another, it was very expensive to have a mirror installed beneath the carpet and an electric door that would lift the rug like a trapdoor and allow the mirror to come up and out from beneath the desk.

Fictional reading for entertainment purposes only.

Note: This story is the same as catalog number GE-1040 in the original publications (a duplicate).

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