Blackmailed Sister by Jane Fox
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In BLACKMAILED SISTER, Cathy Robinson finds herself in a situation. Held captive by members of her own family, degraded and forced to perform abnormal sexual acts, she nonetheless finds within herself hidden resources, a strength of character she never realized she had.

Cathy Robinson suffers through an unspeakably horrible experience, but she comes through with her sensibilities intact, knowing she is more of a woman.

Cathy’s cunt tingled uncomfortably as she picked up the key from the manager’s apartment and let herself into her brother’s condominium. It was lovely—the most beautiful, expensive apartment Cathy had ever seen. If she had been moving in with a girlfriend, Cathy would have been ecstatic over the deep-pile gold carpet and the expensive furnishings. As it was, the expensive look of the immaculate apartment made her feel even worse. She didn’t want to share an apartment with Randy, even for one night, but it had seemed unreasonable for her to refuse.

Cathy lugged her suitcases to the guest bedroom and started to unpack quickly. Perhaps if she were busy, she wouldn’t feel this awful dread that something very bad was going to happen to her. She knew she was being silly, but she couldn’t seem to help herself. Living with Randy was going to be uncomfortable. She’d never felt right about even talking to Randy after that night four years ago, when she and Randy had been alone in the house. It was over now, probably long-forgotten by Randy. But Cathy knew that his dreadful actions that night would never be forgotten in her own mind. It had certainly colored her relationship with the boys she dated in high school, even though she had told no one about the incident.

Fictional reading for entertainment purposes only.

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