X-Rated Lady Cop by C. K. Ralston
Price: $2.99

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The seething passions that lurk within many individuals are often hidden beneath a veneer of normalcy, exposed only under extremely tempting conditions.

The woman who, after a few drinks at a party, takes on all comers, male and female alike. The man who, during a strip show at a stag party, climbs up on stage with the girl and performs with her in front of his friends. The couple who, under group pressure, joins the neighborhood mate traders.

Laurel Blakely is one of these outwardly proper and quite normal people. But within her a depth of passion she never dreamed existed lies coiled like a snake, waiting only for the proper stimulus to arouse it.

X-RATED LADY COP — a fictional story about a society that refuses to face many of its real problems.

Laurel Blakely was as excited about meeting Dean Kennedy at the Blue Goose bar as she ever had been about anything in her young life. There was something about the way the handsome, youthful vice squad officer looked at her that sent shivers up and down the gorgeous twenty-year-old’s spine.

Parking her beat-up Ford in the Goose’s lot, Laurel turned on her overhead light momentarily and adjusted her make up. There wasn’t much to do to a face as pretty as hers, Laurel thought with smug satisfaction. She made sure her eye shadow and liner were intact, smoothed out her lip-gloss, and tossed all of her long, strawberry blonde mane back over the shoulders of her uniform shirt.

Laurel polished her badge with her shirtsleeve, feeling very odd about it being pinned atop one of her large tits. The tight uniform, with its gaudy City Police patches and bold striping, really called attention to Laurel’s well-formed ass, trim waist, and big breasts. She felt ridiculous wearing it, but it was a departmental rule that all dispatchers wear uniforms when on duty, even though the public was very unlikely to see them.

Fictional reading for entertainment purposes only.

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