Doing It For Brother by Bob Hawkins
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Beneath the outward serenity of small country towns run the same passions that we find in big cities and sprawling suburbia. Criminal acts are more apparent in the cities, but the same forces that drive urban man to crime are at work in our rural areas. So too are the forces that drive people to the pleasures of the flesh.

The characters in this story are a case in point. Outwardly a respectable farming family, behind closed doors they are sexual libertarians, stopping at nothing to satisfy their bodies’ cravings. But normal day-to-day life goes on, the farm prospers, everyone is happy. These people feel neither guilt, nor a need to apologize for their actions.

These are everyday people. Responsible. Respectable. Solid citizens of their community. Yet they are people trapped in their flesh, unable, unwilling to control their sexual drives as long as no one is hurt by them. They have given themselves over to the pleasurable. But are they really so different from the rest of us?

Entertaining fiction yes but a novel that gives added insight into the passions we all must deal with.

Linda Brooks crossed her arms over her tits and sighed. She was annoyed. Her foot tapped impatiently on the floor of the car.

In the back seat, she could hear her brother Ben slobbering all over his girlfriend’s tits. She knew the sounds all too well — Ben’s sucking and gasping and moaning, Karen’s whispering and grunting and cooing.

Linda looked over at her own boyfriend. He was slouched down on the seat, picking his nose and watching the movie on the drive-in screen.

Linda shook her head slightly. She wished Fred would pull her over to him, try to kiss her, touch her, feel her up. But Fred was a real dud.

She looked out the window at the rows of other cars. The window of the car right next to them was fogged over. Linda licked her lips. Boy, somebody was really getting it put to her over there. Linda tightened her fists in frustration.

She sighed and turned her attention to the movie. Her tits rose and fell beneath her crossed arms in a shallow, hesitant rhythm. She was so fucking horny she couldn’t stand it!

Fictional reading for entertainment purposes only.

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