Orgy Sisters by Don Scott
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Today’s middle-class Americans maintain a stable outlook which in reality masks the turmoil existing behind drawn blinds.

There is alcoholism and promiscuous sex for the adult and teenager alike, and for some, the breakup of marital relationships as a result of mate-swapping. The children observe their parents’ so-called mature lifestyles. The mark is made, the effect lasts a lifetime.

This is the story of a family and a time of debauchery, where family relationships mean nothing and the satisfaction of the senses means everything. What happens to the brothers and sisters in this story is a startling revelation of how events can alter personalities, how fate plays with all.

Business as usual is the daily norm. But is it? Not for the individuals in this story—outwardly, yes, in reality, no.

ORGY SISTERS—a novel with a lesson for those unaware of what is really happening behind many of the closed doors in America.

Sprawled out on the scattered pillows were Desiree, Kandi, Jan, Mike and Kevin, all brothers and sisters and all as desperately in love with life as they were with each other.

They were sleeping now, recovering from a long, hot night of fucking and sucking. The family reunion had started innocently enough. The boys, Kevin and Mike, had been away from the farm a long time. The girls, once Papa died, were left alone to care after the maintenance of the cattle ranch and make sure the hired hands did the work they were paid to do.

But now everything was different. Mike and Kevin knew they would never return to the city and their dull jobs, despite the financial rewards, that they had left. There were three good reasons—named Kandi, Desiree and Jan—for staying in the huge, old house that they had grown up in.

Fictional reading for entertainment purposes only.

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