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It has been said that every person has some dark passion within his soul — some hidden secret, one hidden desire, a whim that may never surface to be seen by even the closest confidante. Such a secret can be evil or sinister, or it may be trivial and trite.
In a modern society, such passions are easily submerged and hidden by the complexities of everyday living. Yet sometimes these dark passions do surface, either with the individual’s consent or without it.
THE DENTAL ASSISTANT’S CHECK-UP is a dramatic representation of a woman — in this case a young dental assistant — who dares to let her most base desires and passions come to the fore. She finds it impossible to continue to keep her fantasies under control, and she plays them out to the fullest. And meanwhile, her day-to-day routine continues. But the nagging doubts increase with her growing depravity, and the young woman begins to wonder if she is willing or able to face the consequences of her actions. Her story is a startling insight into the life of a person who dares to “let it all hang out”.
“I’ll tell you this much, Rachel,” Ken Hughes said. “You sure are the prettiest dental assistant I’ve ever had working on my teeth!”
“Now, now, Mr. Hughes,” Rachel said chidingly.
The gorgeous nineteen year-old brunette in the tight white dental assistants uniform shook her head in mock reproval as she continued to fill out Ken Hughes’ form. She’d been working for Hankison Dental for the past three months. A week ago, Richard Hankison had finally decided it would be all right if she did some standard X-rays and teeth cleanings unassisted.
Hankison was at the bank now. Ken Hughes was her first customer. He was tall, handsome, and forty-four years-old.
“And I’ll tell you something else too, Rachel.” Hughes was sitting on the big dentist’s chair, with the white bib over his suit. “You sure have got a knock-out body under that tight little uniform you wear!”
“Now, Mr. Hughes!”
Fictional reading for entertainment purposes only.