Mother & Son Together by Jane Tanner
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Desertion has aptly been termed the poor man’s divorce but, in recent decades, more and more middle-class husbands have been taking this easy way out of what to them is an intolerable marital situation. Such behavior is deplorable, for no real man, whatever the problems between his wife and himself, would ever turn his back on his helpless children and walk away into the night, never to return. Unfortunately, as missing persons blotters across the nation will testify, there are many half-men among us who do just this.

It is readily understandable why the decent people of the United States look with censure and disdain upon the half-men who, because of weakness or callous disregard, shirk their responsibilities by choosing to desert the wives and children that is their undeniable duty to support. But what of the broken families they leave behind?

It is this theme which Jane Tanner has chosen to explore in her latest novel, MOTHER & SON TOGETHER. At forty-three, Marge Sayre, who has never worked outside the home, finds herself facing the world alone as a deserted wife with herself and her son Kenny to support as best she can.

Marge Sayre awakened to the feel of a fat dick sensually worming its way in between the sleep-warm cheeks of her voluptuous ass.

“Mmm,” she sighed, smiling as she clenched her buttocks around the forefront of her lover’s erection and snuggled back into his embrace. “And just what do you think you’re up to this morning?”

“As if you didn’t know,” the big redhead chuckled. He’d worked her nightgown up around her trim waist; now he pulled the front of it higher, cupping her clefted mound with one hand, rubbing it with an up and down motion as he tweaked the sensitive brown cones of the forty-three-year-old woman’s embarrassingly small tits. Marge was nearly flat-chested and never went anywhere without wearing falsies in her bra. “Come on, baby, relax the buns. Daddy wants to go up the old dirt road.”

Fictional reading for entertainment purposes only.

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