Virgin No More by Mark Smith
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The tumultuous passions hidden within many individuals are often guarded by only a thin veneer of normalcy. Dormant, they are only exposed when the proper combination of circumstances make it impossible for the person in the grip of these degrading desires to retain a sense of decency and propriety.

The soft spoken man who, during a strip show at a stag party, loses control of himself and climbs up on the stage, joining the girl in her performance. The model housewife who suddenly strips in the back yard for the young boy mowing her lawn. The nurse who gives much more than a bed bath to anyone willing and able to take more from her.

Sheila Jennings is one of these presumably normal people. But deep within her there is a love of depravity which, once it is unleashed by an emotional crisis, quickly takes command of her, driving her deeper and deeper into a succession of attempts to relieve the burning passion that now controls her.

VIRGIN NO MORE — the story of a young woman whose life explodes around a single problem, driving her ever deeper into the depths of perversity. A story about one person’s response to the pervasive problems of our modern world.

Jim was the first person Sheila had ever really been in love with, so when he left her she thought the world was going to come to an end. Needless to say, it didn’t, and she was surprised to find that she could get along quite well without him.

For a while at least.

She was twenty when they broke up, and still a virgin. This had a lot to do with his decision to walk out, a fact which Sheila had a great deal of difficulty understanding. In many ways she was a bit old-fashioned, and this was one of them. Her mother had always told her that if she went to bed with a man before they got married, he would stop respecting her and would soon leave her.

Now, belatedly, she began to wonder if perhaps her mother might have been wrong.

After three days of crying and being otherwise generally miserable, Sheila came up with what she hoped would be the solution to her problems: she would quit her job and move to New York. She knew that her parents wouldn’t like the idea, but there was little enough they could do about it, since she had her own car and had managed to save a tidy bundle of money by working as a secretary and living at home since high school.

Once her mind was made up, she wasted no time in implementing her plan. There were too many bad associations with Jim as long as she stayed around here; if she left she was certain she would feel better.

And she was right.

Fictional reading for entertainment purposes only.

Note: This story is the same as catalog number GR-2045 in the original publications (a duplicate).

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