Hot Piece Wives by Jane Fox
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Behind the outward serenity and closed doors of middle-class suburban homes, we find people are tormented by the same problems that have afflicted men and women throughout the ages.

While Americans today are leading “the good life”, enjoying material comforts unheard of in other countries, people may still find themselves it an emotional turmoil, reinforced by the increasing alienation of our life-style.

The young women in this story are desperate housewives — their husbands are away from home frequently and they are left to find solace in what material comforts they may have. Yet boredom and increasing neglect lead them into acts which they would never dream themselves capable of.

HOT PIECE WIVES — a novel about women set out on a path from which there is no turning back. A novel about the problems that may confront any woman when she makes the fateful decision to ignore society’s prohibitions.

Stella was standing at the kitchen stove, thinking about her husband’s long, thick cock when she felt his hands circle around her and squeeze her tits. “That’s what I had in mind for breakfast,” Hank chuckled, massaging the mounds of Stella’s throbbing titties. “I can always stop for food on the road, but have to store up enough pussy to last me for a week, this time.”

Stella giggled like a young girl. Even though she and Hank had been married for ten years, he hadn’t lost the trick of setting her knees shaking and her cunt throbbing. Stella had a quick fuse when it came to her husband. All he had to do was touch her and her pussy got wet and hot.

“Are you sure we have time?” Stella giggled, glancing at the clock. She knew that they did, but it would mean that Hank would have to eat his breakfast on the run.

“I’d rather have pussy than breakfast,” the trucker said, picking Stella up in his strong arms and heading for the bedroom.

Stella felt her pussy cream as Hank dropped her on the unmade bed. It was still mussed from their fucking the night before. Stella glanced at the rumpled bed and resisted the impulse to straighten it. She’d have plenty of time to make beds after Hank was gone. Right now she had to get enough cock to last her for a week.

Fictional reading for entertainment purposes only.

Note: This story is the same as catalog number GR-2057 in the original publications (a duplicate).

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