Annie’s Dirty Diary by Sean Harris
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When someone becomes enmeshed in sex, it dominates his or her whole life. The danger is that an adult can also become involved.

It is the adult’s duty to protect the child, to end things when they become too serious or emotional. And if the adult can’t do that, such a situation may go on and on until it can no longer be controlled by anyone—much less the adult sucked into it.

The failure in our society is one of having adults unfit to practice sex among themselves, much less to be exposed to the temptation of sex with a child. Knowledge at all levels is the first step in sexual education. And even that, perhaps, is not enough.

When Annie left the school grounds, she was already excited. The seat of her bicycle was pulsing hot from the sun and her cunt mini-skirt wasn’t much protection when she got on the bicycle. The hot leather seemed to burn right through the thin nylon of her panties and her fat, little cunt lips were pressed reluctantly against the seat. Hurriedly, she started pedaling, standing up as she pumped the bike into motion. But the damage was already done. The soft, hairless lips of her slit were so agitated that the motion of her thighs as she pedaled the bicycle was enough to create a rising excitement in the girl.

On her bicycle, Annie was a postcard maker’s delight. Her dark, curly hair blew out behind her exposing a cute face, innocent with a stubby nose and wide brown eyes. Her gay miniskirt, with its tiny primroses on a bright yellow background, was made all the more interesting by the soft swell of her breasts that just barely poked the material out from her chest.

Her buttocks sloped back. A man looking on couldn’t help but think that his hands would cup those soft cheeks almost perfectly with room for his fingers to slide between her slender thighs and stroke her pure little box.

Fictional reading for entertainment purposes only.

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