Sister's Inc#st Orgy by Harry Stevens
Price: $2.99

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SISTER’S INC#ST ORGY is a dramatic representation of a family who dares to let its most base desires and passions come to the fore. They are some of the few who are willing to accept the consequences, be it reward or punishment, for allowing themselves to be completely liberated. Their story is a startling insight into the lives of people who dare to let it all hang out.

When they saw each other for the first time after ten years apart, they knew at once they were going to bed together. Since even the missing years hadn’t robbed them of their closeness, renewing their ties in the most intimate way possible would hardly have been unusual for this man and woman had they been two other people. But there was something different about this couple.

A shadow hung over their passion. Something they could neither ignore nor avoid.

In this day and age when complete strangers often have sex before exchanging names, Rob and Becky suffered from having too much in common. The one thing in common, in fact, which was supposed to keep them from ever becoming lovers.

Fictional reading for entertainment purposes only.

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