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BACK DOOR SISTERS is the story of a family whose members are gradually affected by a passionate nature. As stirring passions sweep through first one person and then another, each member of the family must come to grips with his or her convictions-their decisions make for a shocking account of what often occurs beneath a mask of normalcy.
BACK DOOR SISTERS-a revealing and shocking story, indeed, but one which may not be as unbelievable as it first appears. A story holding a lesson for a large segment of our society.
Jenny gawked at her brother Scott as he ambled into the kitchen to join her and mom and Dad at the breakfast table. All he had on were his white jockey briefs, which tented hugely over his groin. He was rubbing his eyes and yawning.
“Can’t a guy even sleep late his first day of summer vacation?” Scott said as he pulled his chair away from the table.
“When I was your age-” Dad began to say from behind his newspaper, but his words were cut short by mom’s gasp as she looked up from her own section of the newspaper and spotted Scott.
“My Lord!” mom said. “Get back upstairs this minute and get a robe on, young man! How dare you come to my table dressed like that!”
“Aw, Mom, what’s the big deal?” Scott said, yawning again.
Fictional reading for entertainment purposes only.