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DAUGHTER’S ORAL FUN is the story of how some people adjust to the liberated moral standards within the family unit. The characters in this story find an unusual solution to their dilemma. Their method may well be considered unusual or shocking, but it is nonetheless successful.
DAUGHTER’S ORAL FUN — a novel of fiction for entertainment. A reminder that what is debased and perverted for some may well be normal for others.
In high school, Loni became the head cheerleader. She was very popular and had more requests for dates than she could handle. But she turned most of them down, only consenting to go out with a boy now and then for her father’s sake. For Van had told his daughter that it was only normal to date. He loved her enough to want her to have a full and normal life.
“But none of those boys interest me, Daddy!” Loni said with a pout one day.
“You’ll never know for sure who interests you if don’t go out with anyone,” Van said softly.
“All the boys I meet in school are so immature, Daddy. I don’t want them! I don’t need them!” the girl cried.
“Now, now, honey, I know that’s how you feel. But just go out with one of those boys now and then. Humor, me, honey. Just date them. It’s only normal. And besides, if you don’t date now and then, your mother will get suspicious.”
“Okay, Daddy,” she said a few minutes later, “I’ll date those-those little boys, but just once in a while!”
Fictional reading for entertainment purposes only.