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Human sexual activity with animals is not as rare as has been thought; a great deal of curious sexual experimentation goes on between girls and their dogs and cats, between women and their pets. Only a small percent continue it.
Why a woman seeks or accepts sex with an animal is a question with many answers. One reason is that the raw, uninhibited power of an animal is attractive to a certain kind of woman–the masochist–who seeks punishment through the pain and humiliation of sex acts with animals.
There is an interview in this book with such a woman who “does it” with dogs. True names and places have all been changed or omitted.
One of the healthy, admirable things about today’s youth is its honesty, especially in relation to sex. And among the most open and candid of young people today are those generally described as “hippies.”
It is my good fortune to know a number of them and to be trusted by them. I do not deliberately seek out sex histories from them, but in long hours of talking about every subject imaginable, sex always comes up and often we will bare our “secrets.”
So it was when I talked with April about love in general and how it can exist in the strangest places and between the unlikeliest people. The point arose that we are all animals and that a deeply emotional love could (and often does) exist between an animal and a human, and that it
would not be unusual or unbelievable for there to be a sexual element involved.
Dr. John F. Trimble agrees with this. He writes: “In my opinion, most authorities seem to overlook the fact that, in the case of domestic pets, the very reason for having the pet is to have something alive that one can dominate and love in a purely selfish (although sometimes apparently unselfish) manner. The person bestows affection on the animal, and where affection is possible, so is physical response and stimulus.”
Fictional reading for entertainment purposes only.