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The incidence of amorality in our society today seems to be increasing in proportion to the growth of our cities, the centralization of power and the ever-growing mobility of the population.
We see examples all around us — Watergate, the ITT scandal. People who outwardly appear respectable and imbued with high moral standards, but who secretly violate them, their only concern being what they personally want.
INC#ST GIRL contains another example. Alan Madden is a man looked up to by many of his peers. Independently wealthy, he is the head of his own firm and a well-respected figure in his community. Yet behind the scenes he is a man possessed of passions that run counter to every dictate of society. He is a man who corrupts his own daughter, dragging her down with him in a cesspool of perversity and debauched desires.
INC#ST GIRL — the story of a man who leads his own daughter down the path of illicit lust. A tale providing an insight into some of the darker sides of human nature.
Fictional reading for entertainment purposes only.