The Brother Lover by Brad Harris
Price: $2.99

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As our modern society becomes increasingly urbanized and the overall family structure weaker, we are seeing more and more of the phenomenon known as amorality.

A good case in point is Charles Manson, a person who never learned to distinguish between “good” and “bad”, a person who simply did whatever his whim dictated. The pervasive corruption in high political office today offers another example.

Angie Durham is a child of the present. Living the life of the existential hedonist, she refuses to worry about tomorrow and rarely thinks of the past. Her main concern is for today, and the pleasures it brings. For Angie, sex is the focal point of her life, yet it is also a primarily physical phenomenon, carrying few emotional ties or moral overtones. Sex, to this uninhibited teen-ager, is “good” or “bad” only in the physical sense, not in the moral.

And so Angie has no qualms about seducing her handsome older brother. In fact, to her it seems the most natural and logical act in the world. Nor does Angie leave her quest for new and more exciting sexual experiences at that. Eventually, she widens her range to include a startling array of intimates.

THE BROTHER LOVER — a novel depicting the life style of many in our society. A presentiment of what the future holds. Angie’s story is one which holds a lesson for us all.

Fictional reading for entertainment purposes only.

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