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Normal. A frequently used word, yet a word whose exact meaning is as elusive as the term “perversion”. What those two words imply seems to vary from nation to nation, from community to community, from person to person.
Among one African tribe it is considered obscene to expose one’s back to others. In many Eskimo communities it is the height of hospitality for a man to offer his wife to a guest.
Wilma Carlin outwardly appears to be a normal, proper woman. Yet within her lie seething passions and wanton desires. She behaves in ways that many would consider abnormal and shocking. At the same time, she functions as a respected member of her community, working as the town librarian, bringing up her daughter by strict moral codes. Who is to say which facet of her personality is normal?
THE LIBRARIAN’S HOT PANTIES—a novel of fiction for entertainment. A page of our restless society as food for serious thought.
Fictional reading for entertainment purposes only.