Naughty Naked Niece by John Kellerman
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Many consider the years between thirteen and twenty to be crucial ones in the final development of an individual’s personality. If so, then sixteen must be regarded as the focal point, the watershed year. For it is then that people start making their first real decisions affecting his or her own future.

With high school behind them – or almost so – problems concerning furtherance of education, job opportunities, or love or marriage must often be faced immediately, sometimes in combination with one another. In a very short span of time, a course of events is set in motion that will often determine what one does – and is – for years to come, perhaps for a lifetime.

This is the situation Belinda Johnson finds herself in. Almost sixteen, a normal teenage girl, happy at home and popular at school, she catches herself looking back at her receding girlhood while on the verge of becoming a woman in every sense of the word. The first steps forward are important to her, but, going forth, she is confused by her desires and at odds with conventional morality.

NAUGHTY NAKED NIECE – a work of fiction that could be about the girl next door. Or one’s own daughter.

Fictional reading for entertainment purposes only.

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