Easy Piece Niece by R. W. Finch
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As our modern society becomes increasingly urbanized and the overall family structure weaker, we are seeing more and more of the phenomenon known as amorality.

A good case in point is Charles Manson, a person who never learned about good and bad, a person who never placed any value on human life, simply doing whatever a momentary whim dictated. The pervasive corruption in high political office today offers another example.

Jennifer Stiles is a child of the present. Living the life of the existential hedonist, she refuses to worry about tomorrow and rarely thinks of the pain. Her main concern is for today, and the pleasure it brings. For Jennifer, sex is merely something to be enjoyed.

And so, she goes from day to day, wandering from lover to lover, never worrying about social taboos or what results her search for new pleasure and new thrills may bring.

Jennifer Stiles — a young girl who embodies the lifestyle of many in our society, a presentiment of what the future holds. EASY PIECE NIECE is a story which holds a valuable lesson for us all.

Fictional reading for entertainment purposes only.

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