Hot Inc#st Daughter by Harry Stevens
Price: $2.99

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Today’s suburbanites seemingly maintain a middle-class, stable outlook that in reality masks the turmoil existing behind drawn blinds.

There is alcoholism, promiscuous sex for the adult and teenager alike, and, for some, the breakup of marital relationships and entire families as a result of wife-swapping and, occasionally, other liaisons. The children observe their parents’ so-called “mature” lifestyles. The mark is made — the effect lasts a lifetime.

This is the story of Vicki Wallace, an outwardly normal teenager, and her family. What happens to them is a startling revelation of how events can alter personalities, how fate plays with us all.

Business as usual is the daily norm. But is it? Not for the Wallaces. Outwardly, yes. Inwardly, no.

HOT INC#ST DAUGHTER — a novel with a lesson for the unaware in our changing society.

Vicki Wallace stared at Duke Morrison’s stiff cock. Even in the semi-darkness the view was perfect. Duke’s prick was throbbing in her face.

Vicki shifted her shoulders against the car door. But it was wasted energy because she couldn’t really move. Duke had her trapped. It was clear he wasn’t going to let her off the hook until he fucked her in the mouth.

There was no use fighting him, Vicki realized. She knew she had asked for this. Duke Morrison bragged to everybody that he only dated girls who put out. When she had flirted with him at school and all but dared him to ask her out, she had guaranteed that Duke would put the make on her.

It was just that Vicki hadn’t expected things to be this rough. She knew Duke’s reputation as a cocksman, but she hadn’t expected him to be such an animal.

Fictional reading for entertainment purposes only.

Note: This story is the same as catalog number PR-3140 in the original publications (a duplicate).

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