Daughter With The Hots by Ray Todd
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The process of growing up and passing through adolescence has been characterized by great inner turmoil, uncertainty, and tremendous pressures from family, close friends, and peer groups. Certainly, in our multi-faceted society, the problems youths now face seem more marked than ever before.

Angel Parker is a teenager embarking on her own special journey into adolescence. She finds herself plagued by powerful emotions, sometimes feeling uncertain about her awakening sexuality, sometimes being angered over her youthful misjudgments. It is only through a series of unusual developments that Angel manages to put her world into perspective and define her true ambitions and objectives.

DAUGHTER WITH THE HOTS-the story of a young American girl coming of age. A lesson to us all and a reminder that the journey to adulthood is a difficult one.

Nancy Parker was sitting in the small living room of her rented house, polishing her nails. She hated the place as much as the run-down neighborhood, but being divorced and trying to support her daughter, she couldn’t afford anything better. Her ex-husband, Cliff Parker, was a beer-drinking, woman-chasing bum who rarely worked and never gave Nancy the child support money that was awarded to her by the court.

Polishing her nails, she was watching her pretty daughter who was sitting across the room with her big mongrel dog at her feet. The child had originally been christened Barbara Ann, but Nancy’s ex-husband had always called her Angel, and the name had seemed to stick. Angel was a pretty child with a heart-shaped face, long hair and big brown eyes. She was a quiet child and rarely gave her mother any trouble.

Watching the youngster, Nancy wished she could give her daughter a better life, but under the circumstances, she couldn’t afford it on her small fixed income. She was working as a sales clerk in a large downtown department store, and her earnings barely covered her expenses.

Fictional reading for entertainment purposes only.

Note: This story is the same as catalog number SE-1009 in the original publications (a duplicate).

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